Could Your Business Benefit from a Hopper?

Hoppers are useful tools for many businesses, including factories, warehouses, dock operations, and other places where efficient materials handling is critical to success. What are hoppers? While there are many different types, essentially they are all similar. Most feature a large reservoir where materials can be collected by dumping them into the top. Then at … Read more

Providing Lockers for Employees a Good Idea

Keeping employees happy is the best way to keep your workforce productive and your business profitable. When employees are unhappy with their jobs, disappointed with management, and hostile towards their employer can open the door for collective bargaining. Sometimes investing in things like new employee lockers is all it takes to show your workers you … Read more

Lockers and Personal Storage Is a Valuable Employee Benefit

Today, everybody has a smartphone. But for many businesses, allowing employees to keep their smartphones with them while they work is just asking for trouble. Yet if companies require workers to secure their smartphone somewhere while they work, they generally have to provide a safe place for them to do so. Providing storage lockers for … Read more

5 Reasons You Should Consider Switching to Bulk Containers

You may have noticed that more and more businesses and industries are switching to heavy duty plastic bulk containers over cardboard, paper, plastic, and disposable or recyclable packaging materials. There’s a reason for that. In fact, there are several. In this article, we will explain the many benefits of reusable bulk containers and why your … Read more

5 Ways to Speed Up Your Picking and Sorting Operations

Picking and sorting operations have become increasingly important to many businesses in recent years. Thanks to the rise in popularity of online ordering, most businesses today are desperately looking for any way they can get products to customers faster and with fewer mistakes and/or damage. So finding innovative ways to speed up picking and sorting … Read more

A Way To Handle Excess Inventory

Warehouse inventory managers are well aware of excessive inventory issues. Someone was too excited over the prospect of selling a particular product so he or she ended up ordering too many of them. Although there may be more reasons for excessive inventory, whatever the reasons the inventory manager needs to come up with ways to … Read more

Part II – Finding More Space When Expansion Isn’t an Option

In the first installment of Finding More Space When Expansion Isn’t an Option, I discussed what causes space issues in the first place. Here I will cover what you can do to alleviate the problem. Three things can alleviate space limitations in a warehouse. They include: 1.     Creating storage areas outside the warehouse 2.     Redesign … Read more

Finding More Space When Expansion Isn’t an Option

There is only a certain amount of space in a confined building. If that building is a warehouse, then what can a warehouse manager do when he finds himself in need of more space to accommodate more products? It is common for any size warehouse to experience space issues. These problems arise due to rapid … Read more

Blocked Exits and Overcrowded Storerooms Add Up to Big Trouble for Dollar Tree

The Dollar Tree discount store chain has agreed to adhere to a strict set of rules and pay more $825,000 in fines after a federal agency found multiple safety violations at its stores, including blocked emergency exits, obstructed access to exit routes and electrical equipment, and improper material storage. The US Occupational Safety and Health … Read more