Mats and Worker Productivity

Mats and Worker ProductivityWhen most companies install mats in their work spaces  they do so for safety purposes. Mats reduce slipping and keep employees working safely. Another enormous benefit to mats is increasing workplace productivity. This is especially important, when every labor hour counts.

Mats not only provide an ergonomically correct work environment, but they have been proven to reduce employee fatigue. That means your employees can work longer and more efficiently without tiring as quickly.

The Wearwell Study

A famous study, conducted by the UK-based Wearwell company studied the effects of mat use on worker productivity in a Tennessee commercial oven assembly plant. Prior to the installation of mats, the plant had a high injury rate as well as a high rate of absenteeism. In fact, as many as 10% of all employees called off work every Monday. After using the mats for 12 months, however workers reported feeling less fatigued both before and after work. They also told researchers that the areas of their body most at risk for injury, their lower back, feet and legs were considerably more comfortable when the anti-fatigue mats were used.

Best of all, the average overall absenteeism rate dropped from 5.2% to 4% (a 23% decrease). And injuries dropped from an average of 3 or more per month to less than 1 per month (a 70% drop). The mats also resulted in an estimated 2.2% increase in overall worker productivity, which translated to a $300,000 in cost savings. Because of the lower injury rate, the company’s insurance premiums dropped producing a savings of $600,000.

Selecting the Right Mats for Your Workplace

Mats can be purchased in standard sizes or custom fit to match an existing work space. They come in a variety of different materials so they can be matched with what the type of use they will receive. Specialized mats are available for industrial and production settings, offices, laboratories, commercial kitchens and many other environments. Mats also come in many different colors and thicknesses, so they can add a splash of color to a dreary work area as well. Whichever mats you select, make sure they can be easily cleaned and is made of durable material so they last long without a lot of maintenance.

Increasing Employee Morale

Installing  mats in your workplace can also have a positive impact on employee morale. They show that management cares about workers’ safety and comfort. When your employees see that you are willing to make an investment in something that directly benefits them, they are going to have a better perception of management.

The benefits of installing mats in your facility are clear. Improved employee morale, better productivity and lower production costs are just a few positive impacts new mats can have on your employee moral. In many cases, these factors more than compensate for the initial investment and have a noticeable positive impact on the bottom line.