Increasing Warehouse Space for Less, Part 1

work platforms warehouse solutionsEditor’s Note: This is the first of a three-part series on innovative ways to increase warehouse space.

Rapid growth is every business’s objective, but it can sometimes have unintended consequences.

When companies experience a sudden upswing in business, it often requires them to find additional warehouse space. Building new facilities requires substantial capital investment. And seeking out more leased space can be time-consuming, not to mention the logistical issues it can cause when products are located in multiple locations.

Need More Room? Try Looking Up!

Another option that most warehouse operators sometimes don’t consider is to make better use of their vertical space. This can be achieved by either adding on a mezzanine — or essentially a second floor that runs wall to wall within the warehouse — or by simply installing work platforms.

While constructing a mezzanine can take time, cause disruptions in operations and require a capital investment (although usually not as much as constructing an entirely new warehouse), the installation of work platforms can be completed relatively quickly and for substantially less money. Plus, the installation can be coordinated so it requires little, if any downtime, of warehouse operations.

Less Costly, More Versatile

Work platforms are freestanding structures, usually made of steel, that are not connected to the existing warehouse’s walls in most cases. Instead, they use their own columns to provide support and their legs are either bolted or otherwise connected to the warehouse’s existing floor.

While building a mezzanine is often considered a major construction project — and could require a building permit and even an inspection from your local building department — work platforms are considered equipment and can be set up without special licensing or aggravating paperwork or inspections. Plus, because they aren’t considered a permanent structure, they can be depreciated faster for book-keeping purposes.

Another benefit is flexibility. If your warehouse needs to be reconfigured to accommodate new packing or load sizes, work platforms can be disassembled, adjusted and rebuilt according to whatever specifications you require.

Work Space Solutions

With most warehouses, operators pay per square foot, whether they own or lease. To optimize your warehousing costs, why not take advantage of the vertical space as well as the floor space of your facility? Work platforms are sturdy, durable and can increase your capacity and give your facility more flexibility at minimum additional cost.

Barns offers a wide variety of work platforms that can be customized to fit any space and for any type of duty. They are completely adjustable and can be easily integrated into your existing floor plan. For more information about how you can utilize work platforms to maximize the productivity of your warehouse, contact Bahrns and let us help you find your work platform solutions today.