Drum rotator is a type of drum handler that is used to rotate, invert or empty drum or barrels. This usually features hydraulic mechanism which can work manually or automatically. Drum rotators are made with high grade industrial steel and feature durable alloy chain and belt grippers. It also has multi-way casters so you can easily move forward or backward without much effort. Just like the mobile drum handlers, drum rotators are stand alone mechanical equipment that can work on its own.
Manual drum rotators are used to invert drums and empty its content, as well as to stack empty drums and barrels. Automatic drum rotators on the other hand can be used in different applications such as rotating, transporting, inverting, stacking and dumping drums. Automatic drum rotators are also use to shake and mix the contents of drums. This can also handle different drum sizes. It works faster and more efficient compare to manual drum rotators.
Drum rotators comes in different models, such as the portable drum rollers, tumblers and stationary drum rollers. Best selling drum rotators are manufactured by MORSE, VALLEY CRAFT, WESCO and MECO.