If your moving large loads around a pallet jack is what you need. Here are some tips to how you can be more productive with a manual pallet jack.
1st you need to get to know the functionality of your pallet jack. See how the handle and controls work. Move the handle in its down position to lift the jack. While your in that position bring it back up again and continue the process so your pumping over and over to lift it in its desired position. Now squeeze the handle to lower it to its bottom position.
2nd While in its lowest position, move it under the pallet your needing to move. You should only have to use minimal force to do this. Make sure your not hitting the pallet, which would not allow you to place the jack completely underneath.

3rd Raise the pallet by pumping the handle, as was done in step 1. The average amount that you will have to pump is approximately 10-14 times for a standard pallet. Only lift the pallet so that your load isn’t touching the ground. Raising it too high is unnecessary.
4th Pull the pallet to its desired location. Make sure you have the proper room on the sides of you pallet jack. Pulling is much easier and safer than trying to push.
5th Once you get to the desired location use the control arm to put it in to place. The control arm makes it easy to maneuver it into tight spots. At this point pushing is the most productive way to use the pallet jack.
6th Now your almost done. Just squeeze the control handle to lower the load. Make sure its in its lowered position and then pull the pallet jack out. Now your ready to start all over again with any remaining loads.