Penco Lockers: Smart Storage Solutions – Part 2

Penco lockers

Penco lockers come in many colors and sizes.

Colored & Multi-Tier Penco Lockers

Penco lockers are available in many colors. Gone are the days of drab, gray lockers. Today you can get a Penco locker in almost any color to match your room or office motif.

Penco lockers are also available in many sizes, large and small. You can get a large and spacious locker to hold many items. You can also save valuable floor space with a tall, multi-tier locker.

Multi-tier Penco lockers can have two to six levels or more. Each compartment level has its own lockable door and can stand alone as an individual locker. Each compartment can be assigned to one person so many people can share the locker. Multi-tier lockers are great space savers in tight and cramped quarters and workplaces.