IC Cushion Forklifts: Best Fit for Indoor & Outdoor Warehouse Operations – Part 4


IC cushion forklifts operate best on firm, level surfaces.

IC Cushion Forklift Tire Type

IC cushion forklifts are mounted on cushion tires.

Cushion tires, otherwise known as hard tires, are made of solid rubber. Compared to air-filled pneumatic tires, cushion tires are not in any danger of punctures and therefore require less maintenance.

Cushion tires, however, are not very effective in absorbing shocks from the ground. Cushion tire forklifts are best operated inside warehouses with smooth and hard flooring. They are also suitable for outdoor applications as long as they are kept on hard and even surfaces such as paved roads.

Businesses do not have to own a brand new cushion lift truck to enjoy its benefits. It is fairly easy to rent an IC cushion forklift from many reputable equipment dealers like Bahrn Equipment. Used IC cushion forklifts are also widely available on the market at great discounted prices.

Capable of heavy lifting in indoor and outdoor environments, IC cushion forklifts play major roles in warehouses, factories and manufacturing plants.