IC Cushion Forklifts: Best Fit for Indoor & Outdoor Warehouse Operations – Part 2


Propane-powered IC cushion forklifts can run longer than electric forklifts.

IC Cushion Forklift Power Requirements

The IC cushion forklift’s internal combustion engine is powered by propane or gasoline. Due to this, IC cushion forklifts are often called gas forklifts.

As long as it has access to an ample supply of gasoline, the IC cushion forklift can continuously run for more than eight hours. This gives IC cushion forklifts a definite advantage over electric-powered forklifts which need to be recharged after several hours of run time.

For warehouses that operate long hours, the IC cushion forklift fits the bill perfectly.

Because it runs on fuel, running a gas forklift is not very environment friendly. Nonetheless, the exhaust from gas forklifts is minimal and the units can be safely operated indoors in well-ventilated warehouses.